
To be held at the International Conference ACM KDD 2024 | Barcelona, Spain

Special Day Themes

The European Data Science Day offers a full day focused exclusively on innovative KDD-relevant research and development projects from national and regional funding programs, as well as corporate, start-up, and nonprofit channels. We seek to bring together a diverse community of researchers in Data Science, Machine Learning and Language Technologies, as well as partnerships in the social and physical sciences/arts, to show the state-of-the-art in research and applications.

We are soliciting submissions primarily from collaborative projects, whether publicly or privately funded. We will give preference to open science and innovation projects, especially those with contributions to open source, open data, or contributing to socially impactful goals. However, we welcome submissions from especially interesting projects that do not exactly fit these criteria if they provide new insights and compelling demonstrations.

Instructions for Authors

Submissions to European Data Science Track containing the following information:

  • Brief description of the research goals and partners;
  • What is the main contribution/innovation that you would like to show?
  • How does this fit with the KDD ecosystem?
  • If available, provide links to online demonstrations (recommended), or a description of what you plan to show interactively to the audience;
  • If available, provide links to project URL, repositories, and other dissemination materials you have available (optional).

Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts (1-2 pages), written in English by June 10th, 2024 in .pdf format via Easy Chair Submission Page, in case of any issues it is allowed to submit by e-mail to dunja.mladenic@ijs.si with subject "EU Day KDD-2024 submission".

Evaluation of submissions is based on the level of innovation and research breakthroughs, fit with KDD, how compelling the demonstrations/additional information are, and the need to create an event with a broad array of themes.


The programm contains Keynote presentations, project presentaitons and posters.

Projects will be given 5 minute pitch/presentation and demonstration time, and a poster slot. All projects must provide instructive and compelling demonstrations, NOT marketing.

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Keynote
OECD AI Observatory and AI Incidents Monitor
Karine Perset, OECD
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Session (max 5 min/presentation, max 3 slides)
Towards Innovation Knowledge Graph: All in Code, Inna Novalija, Jakob Jelinčić, Patrik Zajec and Marko Grobelnik
TabulAI: A Trend Analysis Tool for AI, Sirin Koca, Emma Louise Håkonsen, Ahmet Okur and Dumitru Roman
Hybrid Human-AI Decision Support for Enhanced Human Empowerment in Dynamic Situations, Domen Hočevar and Klemen Kenda
RAG as a Service AI-powered Research Assistant, Mihai Gheorghe and Dumitru Roman
PREPARE – Personalized Rehabilitation via Novel AI Patient Stratification Strategies, Erik Calcina and Erik Novak
Empowering Research with Efficient Data Enrichment: An Overview of the enrichMyData Toolbox, Roberto Avogadro and Titi Roman
Exploring Smells in Digital Library, Inna Novalija, Dunja Mladenić, Janez Brank, Bakir Toskić, Ajda Zavrtanik Drglin, Ines Vodopivec and Alenka Kavčič-Čolić
Simulating debates on social media with digital twin – TWON, Abdul Sittar, Simon Münker, Alenka Gucek and Marko Grobelnik
Compliance for Data Pipelines, Dumitru Roman
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Lunch in Exhibit Hall
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Keynote
NSF Strategy on AI
Cornelia Caragea, NSF and University of Illinois Chicago
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Session (max 5 min/presentation, max 3 slides)
ts2g2: time-series to graphs and back!, Jože M. Rožanec and Ivana Ristovska
HPC2: enhancing HPC performance by predicting execution anomalies, Roy Krumpak and Jože M. Rožanec
Data Acquisition for Predicting CO2 Emissions in Machine Learning Processes, Oleksandra Topal, Ivo Hrib, Jan Šturm and Maja Škrjanc
Smart scaling of AI-based localisation service for future networks, Jovan Prodanov, Jernej Hribar, Marko Grobelnik, Carolina Fortuna and Blaž Bertalanič
Negotiable Privacy in Data Marketplaces, Semih Yumuşak, Jaime Osvaldo Salas, Soulmaz Gheisari, Syed Atif Moqurrab, Luis-Daniel Ibáñez, George Konstantinidis, Tek Raj Chhetri and Dumitru Roman
SmartCHANGE: Long-Term Health Risk Prediction for Children and Youth, Mitja Luštrek, Nina Reščič, Sebastjan Kramar, Marko Jordan and Maarcel Založnik
Continuous Planning of a Fleet of Shuttle Vans as Support for Dynamic Price Estimation, Filip Stavrov and Luka Stopar
Conceptualization, Dry Running and Scheduling of Big Data Pipelines for Distributed Cloud/Fog/Edge Computing Continuum Infrastructures, Nikolay Nikolov
Performing Intent-based data operation in the computing continuum: the INTEND project, Donatella Firmani, Francesco Leotta, Jerin George Mathew, Jacopo Rossi, Lorenzo Balzotti, Hui Song, Dumitru Roman, Rustem Dautov, Erik Johannes Husom, Sagar Sen, Vilija Balionyte-Merle, Andrea Morichetta, Schahram Dustdar, Thijs Metsch, Valerio Frascolla, Ahmed Khalid, Giada Landi, Juan Brenes, Ioan Toma, Róbert Szabó, Christian Schaefer, Cosmin Udroiu, Alexandre Ulisses, Verena Pietsch, Sigmund Akselsen, Arne Munch-Ellingsen, Irena Pavlova, Hong-Gee Kim, Changsoo Kim, Bob Allen, Sunwoo Kim and Eberechukwu Paulson
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Break and start of the poster/demos
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Posters & Demos Session
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Panel Discussion

Important dates

  • Submission deadline: 17 June, 2024
  • Notification to authors: 4 July, 2024
  • Special Day Presentations: 27 August, 2024

Chairs of European Data Science Day

Dunja Mladenić

Dunja Mladenić


Jozef Stefan Institute,

Dumitru Roman

Dumitru Roman


SINTEF AS / OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University,

Endorsed by EU Projects
